Have you decided to get a foot tattoo? If yes, the question “Are Foot Tattoos Painful Enough ?” must be crossed your mind. Getting a foot tattoo is painful. But you can do it. If you have a little pain tolerance, you can get it without fear. A foot tattoo is the most painful experience that a person can imagine.
The foot area is sensitive and boney. That is why you have to choose a right-handed artist. You should consider the expertise of the tattoo artist that reduces the pain of the pain spots. Keep reading this article. You can know more about preparation, the healing process, and aftercare.
Do Foot Tattoos Painful?
Getting a foot tattoo is not a cup of tea. You will agree with this statement “Do Foot Tattoos Painful Enough To Make You Weep?”. The answer is yes. Foot skin is generally thin and that is why it causes pain. Some parts of the foot are boney. So, it is quite sensitive to get a tattoo on there.
Pain Spots Of The Foot
The answer to the question “Do Foot Tattoos Painful Enough To Make You Weep?” is yes. There are different pain spots that you should know before getting a foot tattoo.
Top Of Foot
The top of the foot is thick and sensitive. There are nerve endings. This part is boney and that is why you have to tolerate pain. If you decide to get a tattoo here, you should reconsider it because it will be painful.
Side Of Foot
The area of the side of the foot is quite soft and there is a little bone. So. you will feel less pain if you get a tattoo here. You are suggested to get the tattoo on that place.
Bottom Of Foot
The bottom of the foot is not boney at all but there is a risk. nerve endings are found that and the usage of needles can hamper the blood flow. Artists do not suggest getting a tattoo in this area for two reasons. The first one is artists can not create a perfect look due to wrinkled skin. The second one is tattoo design does not look in this area.
Toes hold a little area. So, you can try small designs here. Toes have a boney area. You have to tolerate a lot of pain if you get a tattoo on this area.
How To Create Foot Tattoo With Less Pain
Foot tattoos are painful. We can not deny the “Do Foot Tattoos Painful Enough To Make You Weep?” this argument. It is true that getting a foot tattoo is painful. If you maintain a few cautious steps you can reduce the pain.
Choose Simple Designs
Foot tattoos have become popular among different groups of people. Especially girls want to show off their feet. Foot tattoos can be simple and small. They can also be fancy and large.
If you decide to get a foot tattoo with less pain, you should go for a simple and small design. It is a general thought that a foot tattoo hurts. If you choose a small design, you do not have to tolerate pain for a long time.
Choose an Experienced Tattoo Artist
You should consult a tattoo artist who can handle it with a light hand. To reduce the pain, an experienced hand is needed. All the tattoo artists are not experienced in the same field.
As the foot area is boney, you have to choose an artist thinking of sensitive issues. It is really helpful if you focus on the gentle artists as the foot is a sensitive place.
Usage Of Numbing Cream
Numbing cream can reduce your pain. It works nicely on the painful areas just like the foot, rib, and chest. The numbing cream does not work similarly with everyone. That is why tattoo artists suggest using good numbing cream.
Healing Process Of Foot Tattoos
During the healing time, you should avoid wearing closed-toe shoes. The shoes may cause irritation to your tattoo area. The tight shoe creates suffocation and sweating on your foot which can let your tattoo skin breathe. It creates ultimately infection during the healing process.
“Do foot tattoos painful?” the ultimate answer is yes. But it is more painful when you get attacked with infections. You may experience swelling and bruising during the healing time. It is normal. The remedy is using ice and water-based lotion may reduce your problem. You can use moisturizing tattoo cream like Hustle Butter Tattoo Deluxe that keeps your skin hydrated and quickly heal the tattoo.
Aftercare Of Foot Tattoos
Looking after of foot tattoo is extremely important. To keep the tattoo beautiful, you should not rub it against the ink area. You should avoid wearing footwear for a few clients. It will heal the tattoo as soon as possible. A lotion can be used due to moisturizing the skin. To avoid lingering dryness can be removed due to using lotion.
Foot tattoos look not only beautiful but also simple. If you want to hide the tattoo from others, you can try out foot tattoos. Of course, foot tattoos create some discomfort for you and there might be side effects. But when it heals properly and takes good aftercare, they will not burden you. In conclusion, “Do Foot Tattoos Painful Enough To Make You Weep?” is big yes but will unforgettable memory for you.

I am Amelia O’Kelly love writing. And I have adequate experience working in the tattoo industry, such as joining a few tattoo conventions volunteer in California & New York.