17 Stunning Color ink Wolf Face Print Wolf Claw Tattoo on Forearm

25 Best Claw Tattoo Design Ideas for You

Claw tattoos represent ferocity, courageousness, and independence. People who love tattoos and want to have an uncommon tattoo can definitely go for claw tattoos. It is extremely common in youngsters as symbolizes power and freedom.

Claw Tattoo Meaning:

Deciding on a claw tattoo can be difficult as there are thousands of designs out there. Well, if you are really into claw tattoos then you better choose an animal whose claw tattoo you will be doing. Different types of animal claw tattoos portray different meanings. For example, Dragon, lion claw tattoos represent strength and power. Moreover, a dog claw tattoo refers to loyalty. Oftentimes people get paw print tattoos, however, they’re not always from dogs. However, an eagle’s claw tattoo describes nationalism among Americans. Furthermore, the bear claw tattoo illustrates soft nature.

Claw Tattoo Cost:

The cost of a claw tattoo depends on a few things, and these are the size of the tattoo and the place where you are tattooing. Also, the time it takes to complete a claw tattoo can also affect the price of the tattoo. Honestly speaking, nobody can exactly say the cost of any tattoos let alone claw tattoos because costs simply vary from artist to artist. Some may take $100 for a design, but another artist may take $1,000 for the same design. Most tattoo artists demand between $200 to $300 for the ink. So, you can have an approximation that claw tattoos can cost from $150-$4,000. You may want to check out some Facebook groups to get some special discounts.

Claw Tattoo Placement:

Though there are no such rules for having claw tattoos in specific parts of your body. Mostly claw tattoos are common in men and they tend to have these types of tattoos on their shoulder, back, and on their chest. But it doesn’t mean that women can’t have claw tattoos. Nowadays tattoos are exceptionally common in young girls as well. Girls tend to have claw tattoos mostly on their hands. However, some of them may prefer tattoos on their back.

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So, for having a claw tattoo gender doesn’t matter. If you are comfortable enough to pull off a claw tattoo, just go for it. Although there are some challenges you may encounter while having a claw tattoo. For instance, having a claw tattoo can be painful. Anyone who says the opposite is simply misleading you because the process of tattooing must include needles. So, here a piece of advice will be to not choose any complex design. Also, one must keep one thing in their mind that there are some specific places where claw tattoos suit the most. So, one must keep this in mind before having a claw tattoo. Moreover, the size of the claw tattoo is another thing to keep in consideration as all sizes won’t suit everyone.

1. Black Ink Art Claw in the Circle Tattoo  Thorn on Thigh

1 Black Ink Art Claw Tattoo in the Circle Thorn on Thigh

2. Dynamic Black Ink Claw Art Tattoo on Rib

2 Dynamic Black Ink Art Claw Tattoo on Rib

3. Marvelous Black Ink Design ClawChest Tattoo

3 Marvelous Black Ink Design Claw Tattoo on Chest

4. Legendary Black Ink Design Eagle Claw Covering Rib to Belly

4 Legendery Black Ink Design Claw Tattoo Covering Rib to Belly

5. Amazing Dark Ink Design Tattoo Behind the Ear

5 Amazing Dark Ink Design Claw Tattoo Behind the Ear

6. Magnificent Dark Ink Dot Tattoo on Forearm

6 Megnificent Dark Ink Dot Designed Claw Tattoo on Forearm

7. Incredible Solid Dark Ink Designed Bird Claw Behind the Ear

7 Incredible Solid Dark Ink Designed Bird Claw Tattoo Behind the Ear

8. Fastedious Color Ink Bird Claw on Thigh

8 Fastedious Color Ink Bird Claw Tattoo on Thigh

9. Insane Color Ink Real Bird Claw on Leg

9 Insane Color Ink Real Bird Claw Tattoo on Leg

10. Gorgeous Dark Ink Real Bird Claw on Arm

10 Gorgeous Dark Ink Real Bird Claw Tattoo on Arm

12. Traditional Claw in Circle Thron Tattoo on Arm

12 Traditional Bird Claw Tattoo in Circle Thron on Arm

13. Ferocious Animal Claw Scratch Tattoo on Chest

13 Ferocious Animal Claw Scratch Tattoo on Chest

14. Floral & Claw in Web on Leg

14 Floral Claw Tattoo in Web on Leg

15. Real Color Print Claw on Hand

15 Real Color Print Claw Tattoo on Hand

16. Stunning Black Art Devil Claw is Holding Dice Tattoo on Elbow

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16 Stunning Black Art Devil Claw is Holding Dice Tattoo on Elbow

17. Stunning Color ink Wolf Face Print Wolf Claw Tattoo on Forearm

17 Stunning Color ink Wolf Face Print Wolf Claw Tattoo on Forearm

18.  Solid Black ink Wolf Paw Print Tattoo on Back

18 Incredible Solid Black ink Wolf Paw Print Claw Tattoo on Back

19. Crystal Black Design Gem Tied with Tattoo on Foot

19 Crystal Black Design Gem Tied with Claw Tattoo on Foot

20. Beautiful Colored Claw Tattoo on Hand

20 Beautiful Colored Claw Tattoo on Hand

21. Awesome Color Ink Tiger Claw Tattoo on Ankle

21 Awesome Color Ink Tiger Paw Print Claw Tattoo on Ankle

22. Beast Claw with Sharp Tooth Tattoos  on Arm

22 Beast Claw Tattoos with Sharp Tooth on Arm

23. Incredible Color Ink Dragon Claw Tattoo on Arm

Dragon Claw Tattoo

24. Outstanding Solid Black Ink Design Claw Holding Eye Tattoo on Half Arm

24 Outstanding Solid Black Ink Design Claw Holding Eye Tattoo on Half Arm

25. Outstanding Solid Black Ink Claw Ties with World Chain Tattoo On Half Sleeve

25 Outstanding Solid Black Ink Claw Ties with World Chain Tattoo on Half Sleeve

Now, if you have some sort of skin sensitivity, make sure to consult a doctor first even if the problem is not that big. One thing you must keep in mind is that safety comes first. Also, after using ink on your skin, the sensitivity can become worse. Lastly, you should do some research on the artist’s profile before having a claw tattoo as all artists are not good at doing claw tattoos.

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