18 Baseball with Number Tattoo on Arm

36 Inspiring Baseball Tattoo Design Ideas

Baseball is the most renowned game in America. According to the survey, baseball tattoos are the most popular among sports tattoos. If you are a baseball fan, you can do a baseball tattoo with the logos and numbers of your favorite players. We are here for you with wonderful collections. Your life will be easier while the matter of choosing baseball tattoos.

Baseball Arm Tattoo

If you are a baseball fan, you can try this heart tattoo. It illustrates basic baseball design inside the heart. It looks great on the arm.

1 Heart Shape Baseball Tattoo on Arm

Baseball Flower Garden sleeve Tattoo

The tattoo represents that alien playing baseball. It also illustrates a flower garden. It looks beautiful on the sleeves.

2 Alien Playing Baseball in Flower Garden Tattoo on Sleeve

Baseball Rip Sleeve Tattoo

The baseball rip tattoo represents angel wings. It means angle’s blessing. Ii looks unique on the sleeves.

3 Baseball Rip Tattoo with Angel wings on Sleeve

Baseball Thigh Tattoo

The tattoo represents baseball gloves. It illustrates as if the player catches the baseball wearing gloves. It looks stunning on the thigh,

4 Baseball in Gloves Tattoo on Thigh

Baseball Stitches Half Arm Tattoo

If you have any stitches on the half arm, you can hide that with this tattoo. The tattoo illustrates the baseball with black ink. It is a good way to hide your scars.

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5 Black Ink Illustration Baseball in Stitches Tattoo on Half Arm

Snoopy Cartoon Baseball Leg Tattoo

It reminds you of your childhood. We all must have seen the snoopy cartoons in our childhood. The tattoo illustrates that the snoopy wearing gloves. It sets perfectly on the leg.

6 Cutest Snoopy Cartoon with Baseball Gloves Tattoo on Leg

Baseball Floral Jersey Half Hand Tattoo

The tattoo shows the floral-designed jersey with colorful ink. It represents a baseball jersey. It is usually done on the hands.

7 Color Ink Designed Baseball Floral Jersey Tattoo on Half Hand

Baseball Sleeve Tattoo

In this black and white tattoo, the player catches the baseball with gloves. It illustrates beautifully with perfect shading. It looks great on the half sleeve.

8 Incredible Gray Art Baseball Catcher Tattoo on Half Sleeve

Baseball Flag Chest Tattoo

The baseball tattoo represents the USA flag. It illustrates a baseball with a written autograph. It looks great on the chest.

9 Amazing Black Ink Baseball with Flag Tattoo on Chest

Baseball Cap Leg Tattoo

Are you inspired by a player wearing a cap? This tattoo is perfect for you. The tattoo represents a cap with the alphabet and a baseball.

10 Baseball with Cap Tattoo Behind the Leg

Floral Baseball Stitches Forearm Tattoo

In this black and white tattoo, the rose is illustrated beautifully. The rose petals are designed as the baseball is normally stitched. It looks stunning on the forearm.

11 Floral Baseball Stiches Tattoo on Forearm

Realistic Colorful Baseball Bicep Tattoo

Do you like real tattoos? You can try out this tattoo illustrating a baseball, a colorful fish, and a maple leaf.

13 Realistic Color Baseball Tattoo with Fish on Arm Bycep

Baseball Bat Arm Tattoo

The tattoo looks cute on the arm. It illustrates a ghost holding a baseball bat. The tattoo is decorated beautifully with a black fine line.

14 Fine Black Line Baseball Bat Holding Ghost Tattoo on Arm

Baseball Christian Beads Half Arm Tattoo

Are you a Christian? You can check out this tattoo. It illustrates Cristian beads with a clock along with the baseball. It sets beautifully on the half arm.

15 Gray Ink Holding Baseball and Christian Beads with Clock Tattoo on Half Arm

Rose Baseball Sleeve Tattoo

The sleeve tattoo represents a black and white shaded rose design followed by baseball.

16 Rose Baseball Tattoo on Sleeve

Baseball Eye Half Sleeve Tattoo

You can check out this half sleeve tattoo. It illustrates the baseball eye and seems lively due to perfect shading.

17 Baseball Eye Tattoo with Stching on Half Sleeve

Baseball  Number Tattoo on Arm

If you know about baseball better, you should know that baseball has serial numbers. Are you have any lucky numbers? you can add the number through a baseball tattoo.

18 Baseball with Number Tattoo on Arm

Baseball Christian Cross Tattoo on Arm

You can add a Christian Cross design to a baseball tattoo If you are a sports lover.

19 Creative Baseball Stiches in Christian Cross Tattoo on Amr

Baseball player Tattoo on Sleeve

You can draw your favorite player’s picture through the solid black ink tattoo. It looks amazing on the sleeve.

20 Amazing Solid Black Ink Baseball player Tattoo on Sleeve

Skull Head with Baseball Tattoo on Half Arm

The tattoo includes a gray skull and a special quote from the game. It looks great on the half arm.

See also  22 Cute Butterfly with Name Tattoos To Keep You Flake

21 Amazing Gray Ink Skull Head with Baseball Stiches Tattoo on Half Arm

Baseball and Bat with Name Tattoo on Sleeve

The baseball tattoo looks gorgeous on the sleeve. You can include your name with the tattoo design.

22 Gorgeous Baseball and Bat with Name Tattoo on Sleeve

Baseball Tattoo on Arm Biceps

In this baseball tattoo, you can include your favorite player’s name and jersey number to show your love. It looks wonderful on the arm biceps.

23 Fabulous Baseball Tattoo with Name Number on Arm Biceps

Colorful Baseball Arm Tattoo 

The tattoo represents a catcher mask with incredible colorful ink. It looks stunning on the arms.

24 Incredible Color Ink Baseball Catcher Mask Tattoo on Arm

Elephant Baseball Floral Tattoo  on Half Arm

The tattoo illustrates two elephants holding a baseball bat. It represents floral patterns with baseball. It sets wonderfully on the half arm.

25 Lovely Color Ink Elephent Playing Baseball Floral Tattoo in Planet on Half Arm

Snoopy Playing Baseball Tattoo on Belly

It represents snoopy with his friend playing baseball on the belly. It looks cute when you do it.

26 Color Ink Snoopy Playing Baseball Tattoo on Belly

Flaming Baseball Tattoo on Hand

The tattoo looks legendary as it represents a baseball flaming with the fire. It looks beautiful on the hand.

27 Legendary Flaming Baseball Tattoo on Hand

Baseball Nursing Tattoo on Half Sleeve

The tattoo represents baseball nursing. It looks wonderful on the half sleeve.

28 Creative Top Baseball Nursing Tattoo on Half Sleeve

Floral Baseball Tattoo on Bicep

The tattoo shows that the baseball is decorated with colorful flowers. It enhances the bicep.

29 Obsessed by Blessing Floral Baseball Tattoo on Bicep

Baseball Tattoo With Name on Half Hand

Are you obsessed with baseball? You can try out this black and white tattoo illustrating your name.

30 Amazing Black Gray Ink Illustrarion Baseball Tattoo With Name on Half Hand

Baseball Bat Tattoo on Rib

The tattoo represents a baseball bat with fine black ink. It looks amazing on the rib.

30 Amazing Fine Blck Line Baseball Bat Tattoo on Rib

Baseball Team Name Dodgers Tattoo on Half Hand

The tattoo represents dodgers mentioning baseball tattoo. Dodgers is mainly the baseball team from Los Angeles. The tattoo is big enough to draw on the half sleeve.

31 Black ink Illustration World Best Baseball Team Name Dogers Tattoo on Half Hand

Baseball Player Art Tattoo on Arm

The tattoo illustrates the animal playing baseball. It is such a creative idea. It looks mind-blowing on the arm.

32 Mind Blowing Creative Baseball Player Art Tattoo on Arm

Baseball Model Girl Tattoo on Forearm

The tattoo represents a baseball model girl with colorful ink. It makes the tattoo realistic. It looks wonderful on the forearm.

33 Realistic Color ink Baseball Model Girl Tattoo on Forearm

Frog Playing Baseball Tattoo on Arm

The tattoo represents the frog is playing baseball with a black line link. It looks stunning on the arm.

34 Black Line ink Frog Playing Baseball Tattoo on Arm

Baseball Fancy Tattoo on Half Sleeve

You can remember your favorite player and make him immortal with your tattoo. It looks real on the half sleeve.

35 Real Baseman Hero Remembering Baseball Fancy Tattoo on Half Sleeve

Baseball Girl Tattoo on Leg

The tattoo represents a cheering girl with colorful ink. The girl has an attractive body wearing a baseball jersey. It looks great on the legs.

36 Beautiful Color ink Baseball Girl Tattoo on Leg


  • Do baseball players allow to have tattoos?

Baseball players are not allowed to have tattoos for various reasons. Firstly, it is the ground rule. Secondly, the hitters may be distracted by tattoos. That is why the umpire instructs the player to cover up the tattoos.

  • What baseball tattoo mean?

Baseball tattoo carries different meanings including the winner of life, good luck, dedication to the game, die-hard fan, hard-working person, and team spirit.

  • Can sweating affect the tattoo design?

Excessive sweat can increase the chances of getting infected. As a result, the design can be destroyed.

  • Can you take shower immediately after getting the baseball tattoo

Actually, it depends on where your tattoo is located. Generally, you have to wait for 1 to 24 hours to take shower after doing a tattoo.

  • Can you put vaseline on the baseball tattoo?

After lots of research, we find out that vaselines are not appropriate for aftercare. You can be affected by infections due to lack of moisture and healing process will become slow.

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