Hi there! Do you want to have a back tattoo? Or do you want to take care of your tattoo? Well, if it is related to tattoos then you are on the right site. We are all about tattoos. So, for the last few days, we have been getting a question very frequently how can we take care of our back tattoo? And you know that we love our readers, and we always answer their queries. Therefore, if you want articles like this, please follow our website.
Now, let’s move on to the topic! So, do you need to take care of your back tattoo? Well, the answer is a big “YES”. Here we are mentioning some tips regarding this matter!
Back Tattoo Aftercare Sleeping
Well, this type of tattoo is really difficult to handle. Moreover, while speaking you have to maintain a few steps so that your tattoo does not get destroyed. Here are some tips which you may want to follow whenever you are sleeping with a newly done back tattoo.
- Do not sleep directly on your tattoo. Please try to follow this at least for 7 days. Because when your tattoo is newly done, there is a high chance that your tattoo will get stuck in your bedsheets, and trust me you do not want this.
- Please do not wear tight-fitting clothes while sleeping as your tattoo needs a decent amount of air circulation and oxygen to heal properly.
- Avoid sleeping with your pets for at least 10 days as your furry pet can create an infection in your tattoo area.
Back of Neck Tattoo Aftercare
Back of neck tattoos are difficult to handle but if you follow these tips your tattoo will heal as soon as possible.
- Do not remove your bandage right after doing your tattoo. Consult your tattoo artist before removing your bandage.
- Avoid chemical body wash to clean your tattoo. Do not need to use any soap or anything. Use lukewarm water to clean your tattoo place. But of course, you must consult with your doctor that whether your tattoo place is properly healed or not.
- Do not scratch your tattoo place.
- Keep your tattoo places away from the sun.
- Do not wear tight-fitting clothes.
- Do not create any situation where you can get sweaty. Because sweat can harm your tattoo.
- Moisturize your tattoo place frequently. Dryness can cause infection in your tattoo place.
- Keep yourself hydrated!
Lower Back Tattoo Aftercare
This type of tattoo is as important as other types of tattoos. So, basically, here you have to maintain all the points that we have mentioned above. For example, make sure you are wearing soft and comfortable outfits. You can wear cotton clothes if you want. Never rub your tattoo, it will hamper the color of your tattoo. Moreover, wear sunscreen whenever you are going out. You can also wear it when you are at home. Now, moisturizing your skin is really important.
Apply moisturizer every four to five hours in summer and if it is winter then you can apply it every two to three hours. Please do not over moisturize your skin. It may make you sweaty which is not good for your health. Keep your tattoo area in a natural position which means not wet or not dry. Dryness can create infection around your tattoo place. Avoid those foods to which you can have your allergies.
Upper Back Tattoo Aftercare
Upper back tattoos are one of the coolest tattoos. But you need to take care of your tattoo so that it get healed as soon as possible. Here are some tips-
- Please do not remove your bandage right after getting a tattoo. Try to keep it as much as possible. And if you really want to remove it or you are having any issues with it, consult your tattoo artist. You may also want to consult with a skin specialist as they have the most experience regarding this matter.
- “Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize”.This is the secret key to getting a sustainable tattoo. Moisturize your skin two times a day as it will help your tattoo to heal faster. This is the most efficient step for aftercare for any type of tattoo.
- Now, do not expose your tattoo for a long time in front of the sun as this may fade the color of your tattoo.
- Try to wear cotton clothes to feel relieved. Cotton clothes will ensure that you are getting proper air and it will help your tattoo to get healed naturally.
Back Shoulder Tattoo Aftercare
Well, a back shoulder tattoo looks fabulous on anyone. For this type of tattoo, you have to maintain all of the steps that we have mentioned above. For example, try to be a little bit more cautious when you sleep. Apply sunscreen every 3 hours except at night. Keep yourself hydrated and make sure you are eating healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, etc. Do not drink alcohol and for some days try to avoid smoking. Try to maintain these things for 10 days while your tattooed place is healing. And if you face any irritation, just consult a doctor.
Back Tattoo Aftercare Bra
Okay, that’s the most frequently asked question among girls whether they can wear a bra or not on their newly done tattoo. The answer is “No”. Please try not to wear a bra on your newly done tattoo. Or if you really want to wear a bra then wear a design that will not affect your tattoo area. That means depending on your tattoo type you can wear a bra. However, if you are staying at home or you can avoid wearing a bra then do so. Because if you will wear a bra, it will not let your tattoo area breathe and that will damage your tattoo a lot. Now, if you really have to wear a bra then wear a bra that is comfortable to wear. But if you ask us, you will suggest you not wear any bras for at least 10 days. As bras can ruin your tattoo design. Also, it can irritate your tattoo area.
How to Care for a Back Tattoo by Yourself
The steps that we have mentioned above are mostly can be done by yourself. However, if you have a back tattoo and you are trying to moisturize it, you have to take help from your family or friends. But if you do it by yourself then you can bend a little bit and use a mirror so that you can see the wounded area and apply moisturizer according to it. Try to keep your tattoo area cleaned and this can be done by yourself as well. You do not need anyone’s help to do so. Just do not use any soap or any harsh alkalic product in your tattoo place. Let your tattoo place heal naturally. Apply sunscreen as many times as you can. And that’s it. You do not need anything else.
Now, tell us do you need anyone’s help to do all of these things? No, right? So, take care of your tattoo area and share your amazing tattoo photos with us. Remember one thing anyone can have a tattoo but not everyone can make their tattoo lasts long. If you want a sustainable and beautiful tattoo, you must do the aftercare properly. We can not emphasize enough how much aftercare is important for your tattoo. Just follow these steps and you can easily get a long-lasting tattoo.

My name is James Dalton specialize in developing research-based content on the fashion & lifestyle industry. And has good experience in tattooing. Tattooing is my hobby and worked for some years as a tattoo artist.